Rupert Rink

Rupert Rink picRupert Rink is an ESG Specialist within J.P. Morgans Global Index Research Group. Prior to joining J.P. Morgan, Rupert co-coordinated ESG Research in Citi’s global Equity Research franchise, where he collaborated with sector analysts in order to systematically integrate ESG with their fundamental Equity Research, in addition to publishing thematic ESG research. Prior to this, Rupert worked on the buy-side as an ESG Analyst for a sustainability investment manager specialist, Impax Asset Management, and also Trucost, a sustainability consultancy now part of S&P Global. He graduated from Edinburgh University Business School with a MSc in Carbon Finance.

Disclaimer: The biographical information is as of the date of posting.

Event Name:ESG in Fixed Income "Shining a Light on Transparency"

Event Date:2021-04-23