Philip Galdi

Philip Galdi

Phil Galdi is Head of Indices at ICE Data Indices, LLC (“IDI”).  In this role, he is responsible for IDIs fixed income, equity, commodity and currency index families spanning the global markets.  Prior to joining ICE, Phil was Head of Global Bond Index Research at BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research where he spent over 30 years developing and managing their fixed income, commodity and currency index platform that was recently acquired by ICE.  The ICE Data Indices team manages a suite of thousands of indices across all asset classes that are used as performance benchmarks for approximately $1 trillion in assets, including almost $300 billion in passive ETFs and funds.  The team also provides custom index services and acts as calculation agent for third party indices.  In addition, ICE Data Indices is a leading provider of IOPV and IIV calculations for ETFs around the world.

Event Name: ESG in Fixed Income "Shining a Light on Transparency"

Event Date:2021-04-23

Disclaimer: The biographical information is as of the date of posting.