Matt Fabian

Managing Director, Municipal Market Advisors

Matt Fabian is a Managing Director at Municipal Market Advisors, an independent research and strategy firm based in Concord, Massachusetts. Formerly the lead municipal analyst for UBS Wealth Management Research, Mr. Fabian has 20 years of experience as a credit analyst and market strategist, with prior positions at Moody’s and FSA. He is a past chair of the Municipal Analysts Group of New York. He has testified before Congress on the topics of state bankruptcy and the credit quality of the District of Columbia and is frequently featured in the national print and television media on municipal-related topics. Mr. Fabian writes MMA’s OUTLOOK, a generalist-oriented review of the municipal market, and DEFAULT TRENDS. He has a Master of Public Administration degree from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Penn State.

Event Name:Developments in the Valuation of Municipal Bonds

Event Date:2013-09-26

Disclaimer: The biographical information is as of the date of posting.