Marie Diron

Diron MarieMarie Diron, Associate Managing Director, leads the Sovereign Risk Groups Asia Pacific and North America teams, covering sovereigns and supranationals in these regions.

Marie has worked as Moodys lead sovereign analyst for a number of Asia Pacific credits, including China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Sri Lanka and Australia.

Marie has also worked in Moodys Credit Policy, leading a number of macroeconomic analyses, including our regular Global Macro Outlook and other credit research work.

Marie was previously Director at Oxford Economics, leading the companys forecasting and scenario analysis service to financial sector and corporate clients, after a number of years at the European Central Bank and Brevan Howard LLP.

Marie received a MPhil in Economics from the University of Cambridge and graduated from the Ecole Centrale Paris.

Disclaimer: The biographical information is as of the date of posting.

Event Name: Sovereign Ratings Panel

Event Date:2020-06-25