Claudia Ramirez

Claudia RamirezClaudia Ram?rez is a Senior Financial Sector Specialist at the General Directorate for Financial Stability of the Banco de M?xico, where she has worked since 2005. Claudia is currently studying the impact of climate change on financial stability in Mexico, with a particular emphasis on sovereign risk. In such capacity, she has participated since 2020 at the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Risks established by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, whose aim is to research climate-related risks, their transmission to the banking system, measurement methodologies, and developing effective supervisory practices to mitigate them. Previously, Claudia was Manager of Monetary Policy Affairs at the General Directorate for Economic Research, where she conducted analysis of monetary policy issues, both domestic and international.

She has participated in conferences and seminars in international organizations such as the Bank for International Settlements, the Bank of England, the Bank of Italy, the Bank of Spain, the Bank of Turkey, LACEA-LAMES, and the Center for Latin American Monetary Studies, among others.

She has contributed to several articles and policy reports on climate change, monetary policy, exchange rates, inflation expectations, and capital flows, with some of them being published in academic journals and specialized magazines.

Claudia holds a Master’s degree in Public Administration and International Development from Harvard University, and a Bachelor?s degree in Economics from the Instituto Tecnol?gico Aut?nomo de M?xico (ITAM).

Disclaimer: The biographical information is as of the date of posting.

Event Name: ESG in Fixed Income | Policy Actions and Practical Investing Post COP 26

Event Date:2022-05-19