Alex Griffiths, CA

Alex GriffithsAlex Griffiths is Head of Corporate Ratings for Europe, Middle East and Africa. Fitchs EMEA corporate rating work is carried out by more than 120 dedicated corporate analysts, based in 9 cities, who cover all aspects of the rating and surveillance of non-financial corporates across the region.

Alex joined Fitch in London in 2005 as a corporate analyst, and has held a number of different roles, most recently as Fitchs Credit Policy Group with responsibility for monitoring the quality of global corporate ratings. He started at Fitch as an analyst specialising in Telecoms, Media and Technology, then became Head of Research for EMEA and Asia-Pacific. Between 2012 and 2016 he ran the EMEA Natural Resources team.

Alex led the development of the global Corporate teams Climate Vulnerability Scores, which provide a time-profiled view on the relative risks to corporate financial and credit quality from climate change over the period to 2050.

Prior to Fitch, Alex spent eight years with Deloitte’s audit practice, where he gained experience ranging from transaction services work to audit, IFRS transitions, expert witness assignments and sector research.

Alex read economics at St. Catharines College, Cambridge, and is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

Disclaimer: The biographical information is as of the date of posting.

Event Name: Sustainable Finance in Fixed Income -- 2023

Event Date:2023-04-20