Virtual Annual Meeting

Tuesday, June 23, 2021 – 6:00 – 7:00 PM


Presiding:            Larry White

Staff Present:      Lauren Nauser

Call to Order
Larry White convened the meeting at 6:00 PM on the Webinar and welcomed everyone.

Gregg Lemos-Stein made the motion and Robert Slowko seconded the motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the June 30, 2020 annual meeting and the minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Mariarosa Verde presented the treasurers report stating that FIASI now has assets invested in US Treasuries and Short Term Investment grade funds in the amount of $540k.  The membership dues is up from $14k to $19k.  We had an increase of $21k in sponsorship income thanks to the board’s thinking outside of the box.  Our expenses were down from $81k in May of 2020 to $59k in May of 2021.  This yielded a net income of $27k in 2021 as opposed to a Net loss of $37k in 2020.  Pawel Mosakowski made a motion to accept the treasurer report as presented by the Treasurer and Henry Shilling Seconded the Motion.

Election of Directors
Lauren Nauser read aloud the Slate of Officers & Directors for the 2021-2022 fiscal year and made a motion to that we accept the slate as proposed.  Monica Aggarwal, as Vice-President voted for all signed proxies (29) and 20 members present and the Board of Directors was unanimously elected.

FIASI’s Accomplishments during the prior year
Larry White addressed those in attendance thanking them and asking for their support during the upcoming year.  With the completion of the Strategic plan, we added 3 committees, looked at growing geographically, diversified programming utilizing technology, insured financial sustainability, and development of leaders and future board members.

Monica Aggarwal introduced herself and new slate of officers. She discussed moving the organization forward, with a key focus on diversifying events and expanding social media to reach a broader audience of members. She thanked outgoing board members for their contributions.

Committee chairs of Programming, Membership and Marketing briefly outlined their accomplishments and objectives for the coming year.

Monica Aggarwal opened the meeting up to questions and comments.  Pawel Mosakowski read a statement from Mark Howard who could not be in attendance, thanking Larry White, congratulating Monica Aggarwal and new board members and officers. Other members joined in with similar comments.

Monica Aggarwal posed question to all regarding changes they have embraced over the past year working virtually that they would like to retain in the “new normal”.  Positives included adaptability, geographic expansion, social media outreach and power of webinars and technology to engage and broaden membership.
There being no further comments, the meeting was adjourned.