Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Monday, December 6, 2021

PRESENT: M. Aggarwal, R. DeCesare, M. Howard, G. Lemos-Stein, E. Lyons, P. Mosakowski, H. Shilling, R. Slowko, M. Verde, D. Vazza, L. White, and L. Nauser

GUESTS: A. Bancroft, J. Broughton

Opening Remarks: Monica Aggarwal opened the meeting setting up topics for discussion, citing how busy the committees have been, talking about the good momentum and upcoming opportunities for collaboration moving forward.

Review of Minutes from 9/29/21:

Erin Lyons made a motion to accept the minutes from the 9/29/21 Board Meeting. Pawel Mosakowski seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as written.

Treasurer’s Report:

Pawel Mosakowski presented the Treasurer’s report.

FIASI continues to be in good financial position.
Total savings $524K
Income down due to outstanding CSM dues and Sponsorship events (early in fiscal year)
Have $20K in open invoices; however, S&P Global paid up as of today; Note just sent out to Bloomberg; Kroll invoice sent out in early November, but no concerns about payment
Ralph DeCesare asked question about NYS tax penalty ($2,754.26). Lauren Nauser explained delivery was late due to mail issues (pandemic related), but accountant suggested paying it – FIASI fighting the charge
Mark Howard made a motion to accept Treasurer’s report; No formal second. Approved.

Review of 2020-2021 Tax Return: Working toward getting it in by 12/15 due date to avoid any penalties. Lauren Nauser does not recommend taking extension until February as it is how we got penalty this year. Return has been signed, just needs BOD approval. It was agreed that members would have 48 hours to review, and if she doesn’t hear back by 12/14/21 the return will be filed.

New Member Report:

Lauren Nauser presented membership update.
Current membership at 361 as of yesterday.  As events occur, membership will increase. It was suggested that Jeannie Fitzpatrick might be a good person to draw upon for WIFI event as she is on the 100 Top Women in Finance and Women in Listed Derivatives lists
Erin Lyons made a motion to accept; Monica Aggarwal seconded the motion. Approved.

Marketing Committee Report:

Robert Slowko presented an update on the committee’s work to date, focusing on the Social Media Task Force and Website Redesign Project. The Web project has one finalist, Aspire Digital Solutions. The other contender withdrew due to lack of band-with to take on project.

Alexis Bancroft & Jessica Broughton presented Social Media Strategy.  Jorge Calderon not present, but part of the task force.

Social Media Strategy based on three content pillars:
FIASI Events
FIASI Members/Topic Spotlight
Market Driven Events
Content will be pushed out via Constant Contact, LinkedIn, and Twitter platforms
Robert Slowko asked for an explanation of value of hash-taggingto show up in people’s feeds, link individuals who can share with their networks Alexis Bancroft & Jessica Broughton have list of relevant hashtags for our business but suggest using only 2 to 3 to avoid overload.
Gregg Lemos-Stein suggest using FIASI as a clearing house for HOF members. Alexis Bancroft agreed that was a good idea to increase engagement
Monica Aggarwal suggested with WIFI and ESG events upcoming, everyone should review the Social Media presentation and share any ideas with Robert Slowko. Lauren Nauser has set up access on the Google Drive and she will share with the BOD

Program Committee Report:

Ralph DeCesare presented upcoming events:

WIFI Event on 1/12/21: Joyce Change to host. Three segments including Barbara Novick (BlackRock) and 2 panels one Macro/one International focused. Erin Lyons confirmed that Winnie Caesar, Global Head of Strategy at CreditSights is on stand-by, if needed. Marketing will start in earnest before Xmas; already posted on website; have several registrants already. No charge for individuals; revenue will come from sponsorships only.
James Bianco
ESG Event on 4/21 & 4/22/22: Very early stages of planning. Several topics identified, but still TBD. Henry Shilling identified 5 volunteers who are willing to help with the event.
Henry floated idea of trying to organize one event per month leading up to event; but after much discussion it seemed the consensus was that it might dilute the big event/cause topic fatigue
ESG in Municipal Finance was modestly attended (20-25); however rave reviews and several paid to attend the event
Mark Howard suggested having follow-up events vs. lead-ins based on his experience
Monica Aggarwal suggested circulating topics BOD to add and rank ideas, potential speakers
Rough agenda will go out in early January
Henry Shilling updated BOD on the 2nd Annual Research Competition with Fordham
Press release went out in early November
Lauren Nauser, Larry White and Henry Shilling have been meeting regularly with Fordham University Dean of business school has sent letters to over 40 Universities in the tri-state area (expansion from last year which only included NYC schools).
Competition will run through early April when Henry Shilling, Diane Vazza, and Mark Howard will reconvene to judge the paperspossibly expand to include some FI folks
Winners will be announced at 2-day conference with a separate event in September for winners to present their papers

Membership Committee Report:

Erin Lyons presented FIASI Corporate Membership approach.

Currently (due to timing) not recommending pay-to-play; Keep CSM fee at $5K (easy commit), which we know is very low. Will include Name and Branding Rights only—no guaranteed speaking slots
Erin Lyons will provide a one-sheeter to pitch members
Starting with WIFI and ESG, Henry Shilling & Erin Lyons to discuss possible tiered pricing structure
Much discussion around raising the price to $10-$15K – what benefits would that include?

Final Comments:

Mark Howard applauded committee work and having no further business the meeting was adjourned.