Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
February 20, 2018
Present: Ralph DeCesare, Eileen Fahey, Mark Howard, Sarah Kline, Henry Shilling, Robert Slowko, Diane Vazza, Mariarosa Verde, Melody Vogelmann, Larry White, and Lauren Nauser.
Absent (Excused): Mark Hochberg, Brian Toth
Eileen Fahey made a motion to accept the January 8, 2018 minutes. Diane Vazza seconded.
Mariarosa Verde presented the Financial Report and then she proposed to move $150,000 from Citibank savings account to Vanguard money market.
Mark Howard moved that we accept the treasurer’s report as submitted; Larry White seconded the motion. All were in favor of this proposal.
Lauren Nauser proposed eight new members as follows:
First Last Type Current Employer
James Kirby Associate Fitch Ratings
John Lynch Regular IHS Markit
John Cowan Regular IHS Markit
Robert Michele Regular J.P. Morgan
Vinod Venuri Regular Bloomberg
Ian Gazard Regular BlueMountain Capital
Gregory Fage Regular Natixis
Roya Rahbari Regular Fannie Mae
As of 2/20/18 As of 1/4/18 As of 11/12/17 As of 9/15/17 As of 6/8/17
Regular Members 196 191 185 180 184
Academic Members 3 3 4 4 4
Associate Members 37 38 36 33 37
Student Members 21 25 25 24 24
Lifetime Members 40 40 40 39 39
Complimentary Members 8 8 8 8 8
Corporate Sustaining Members 42 43 42 43 40
Total Members 347 348 340 331 336
Mariarosa Verde moved that these members be accepted. Ralph DeCesare seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Robert Slowko reviewed feedback from The Board about the video production per the board packet.
No other feedback was offered.
Recommendations moving forward:
Jazzy intro animation, 10 seconds;
What is FIASI two minute maximum;
Why is FIASI good, less than one minute;
Information on how to join, 30 seconds.
Other thoughts:
Possibility of salvaging parts of the video for future use.
Scripted voice over narration with clips of events playing in the background.
Melody and Mariarosa will assume communication with the video company to ensure the product accurately represents FIASI.
Upcoming Event Considerations:
Check with Mark Hochberg re: Black Rock event
Mark Howard, Charmaine Masobar Romani, CIO Goldman Sachs Private Wealth for future presentation.
Eileen Fahey, Fitch Ratings.
Moody’s e-commerce presentation.
Robert Slowko, Quantum Machine Learning.
Ralph DeCesare & Mark Howard, Artificial Intelligence Products Forum with meet/greet, and vendor presentations.
Possible Other Events:
Women’s mentorship program.
Women in Fixed Income moved to October.
Larry White: Three Inductee’s; Mark Shenkman, Mary Miller, John McQuown
Event Date June 14, 2018
David Booth to introduce John McQuown
Press release to be sent to media.
Marketing plan for selling tables;
Three or four teams of 3 board members each assigned to each honoree to maximize sales.
Goal to sell 25 tables
Price increase from $6,000 to $7,500 for CSM’s.
Price increase from $10,000 to $12,000 for all others.
Advertising pricing to stay the same.
Robert Slowko will move to California. Will remain as FIASI President
Eileen Fahey, Updated Board Governance Procedures to include a provision to remove HOF Members for inappropriate of unethical behaviors.
Having no further business the meeting was adjourned.