2000 Hall of fame
2000 Hall of Fame
nduction of Harold H. Goldberg
Good evening ladies and gentleman. I am pleased and honored to be the one chosen to give the acceptance speech for Harold H. Goldberg’s posthumous entry into FIASI’s hall of fame. On behalf of his wife, carol, and all of Hal’s family members and friends, we thank the FIASI committee for this very prestigious award. A special thanks goes to Loretta Neuhaus who recommended Hal’s induction.
For those of you that knew Hal Goldberg, what I have to say will not be very revealing. Each one of you has your own favorite Hal story to tell.
For those who never knew him, you missed meeting someone very special, as anyone who met him just once will tell you.

Induction Speech for Daniel J. Fuss
Dan is a Milwaukee native, a graduate of Pope Pius High School and Marquette University, where he was affectionately known to his classmates as “Father Fuss”. His C.V. says that he served three years as an officer in the Navy. Upon careful examination of the record I found that Dan actually took a vow of silence and entered a monastery. At his first meeting with theAbbott in charge he was relieved to learn that it was not a vow of complete silence. At the end of each year he was to meet with the Abbott and have the opportunity to say two words. Those of you who know Dan appreciate that he is thoughtful, chooses his words carefully, and speaks deliberately, so it was a great relief to him to learn that he had the right to express
himself each year.
At the end of the 1st year, Dan met with the Abbott and uttered his two words: “Bed Hard”.
At the end of the 2nd year Dan met with the Abbott and uttered his two words: “Food cold”
At the end of the 3rd year Dan met with the Abbott and said: “I Quit”

Induction Speech for Martin S. Fridson
Close friend Alden Toevs, Executive Vice President, First Manhattan Consulting Group presented FIASI’s Hall of Fame award to Martin S. Fridson. Mr. Toevs’ introductory remarks follows.
It is my great pleasure to introduce Marty Fridson on his induction to the FIASI Hall of Fame. I am Alden Toevs, head of First Manhattan Consulting Group’s risk practice. Marty and I met in 1984 when he became part of a golden period in Morgan Stanley’s fixed income history. We were both hired by Bob Platt, who also found and mentored Rick Bookstaber, Jim Tilley, and Joe Langsam, among others.
During the heady days of the 1980s — for me securitization structures, derivatives, mortgages, and for Marty, high grade and high yield credits — we refined our analysis and writing skills together. A hallmark of our training under Bob, really an important life lesson that has served us both well, was to advocate what is right to the best of our abilities and never shill for a trading desk.