Tanya Azarchs

tanya_azarchsTanya Azarchs is a managing director in Financial Institutions Ratings, and the criteria officer for North American financial institutions, with responsibility for spearheading research on ratings criteria and other issues affecting North American financial institutions, and for helping coordinating those efforts globally. She is also involved with the effort to assess risk management at financial institutions. She is responsible for the ratings of large, complex banks in the U.S. and Canada, and participates in the ratings of large global financial institutions. In addition, she provides guidance on ratings for alternative asset managers.

Tanya joined the Financial Institutions Ratings group in 1989, after following the largest U.S. banks as an equity analyst for Standard & Poor’s since 1984. Prior to that, she was involved in securities analysis as a generalist at Oppenheimer & Co. since 1980.

Tanya holds an M.A. and B.A. in English literature, and has done graduate work in finance and comparative literature at New York University. She is a Chartered Financial Analyst.

Disclaimer: The biographical information is as of the date of posting.

Event Name:The Outlook for the U.S. Banking System

Event Date:2010-03-04