Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
April 25, 2018
Present: Ralph DeCesare, Eileen Fahey, Mark Hochberg, Sarah Kline, Henry Shilling, Robert Slowko, Brian Toth, Diane Vazza, Mariarosa Verde, Melody Vogelmann, Larry White, and Lauren Nauser.
Also Present: Arash Kamyab for the first 15 minutes
Absent (Excused): Mark Howard
Robert Slowko made a motion to accept the minutes. Sarah Kline seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Mariarosa Verde prepared the Treasurer’s report as follows:
Funds invested in Vanguard Treasury Money Mkt at 1.6%.
As of end of March, Assets; $352,000
$45,000 loss as March.
Motion to accept the treasures report; Diane Vazza, Sarah Kline seconded. All were in favor.
Brian Toth proposed five new members:
First Last Type Current Employer
Baylor Lancaster-Samuel Regular CV Advisors
Meron Amar Associate Manor Haven Capital
Chad Brown Regular TD Ameritrade
Todd Shipman Academic Boston University
Michael Scerbo Regular Principal Credit Advisors, LLC
As of 4/22/18 As of 2/20/18 As of 1/4/18 As of 11/12/17 As of 9/15/17 As of 6/8/17
Regular Members 195 196 191 185 180 184
Academic Members 4 3 3 4 4 4
Associate Members 35 37 38 36 33 37
Student Members 21 21 25 25 24 24
Lifetime Members 40 40 40 40 39 39
Complimentary Members 8 8 8 8 8 8
Corporate Sustaining Members 41 42 43 42 43 40
Total Members 344 347 348 340 331 336
Brian Toth moved that these members be accepted. All were in favor.
Arash Kamyab; Video Production
To be used on social media and at seminars.
Shorten up introduction and how to join FIASI section.
Production company unwilling to make some of the desired changes.
Arash to follow up with the production company.
Project to be completed by the end of the month.
Upcoming Events: Ralph DeCesare
Fitch event, 20 registrants
Blackrock meeting June 27th—Aladdin Presentation
It was discussed if we should host our annual meeting during this event or if we should hold the annual meeting at a different time.
It was agreed that we would take this discussion off line.
2 auditorium rooms which can accommodate over 100 people.
Soft drinks are something that Blackrock will provide.
Room is reserved from 5:30 to 10:00.
Allen Blinder, author of “Advice & Dissent: Why America Suffers when Economics and Politics Collide” to speak. His handlers wants us to guarantee a certain number of book sales. It was suggested that we offer to buy say 40 books and give them to everyone who joins at the meeting. Continued discussions will take place off line.
Bylaw Changes: Henry Shilling
Catalyst for changes through observations that procedures and practices were not being closely followed by FIASI, or were out dated. Proposed changes around Governance, Practices, & Procedures.
Attempt to align bylaws with actual practices being employed.
The bylaws contain broader issues that need to be given more thought and consideration. Bylaws are a living document that may need periodic review and revision. Consider creation of a sub group or committee to oversee this periodic refreshment. Bylaws should be property aligned with New York State statutes governing not for profits.
May be prudent to employ someone who has familiarity with dealing with these complex issues.
Proposed bylaw changes and hiring of a consultant approved by unanimous vote.
Hall of Fame, June 14: Larry White
Currently nine tables sold.
Possible additional sales; JPMorgan, Moody’s.
Having no further business the meeting was adjourned.Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
April 25, 2018
Present: Ralph DeCesare, Eileen Fahey, Mark Hochberg, Sarah Kline, Henry Shilling, Robert Slowko, Brian Toth, Diane Vazza, Mariarosa Verde, Melody Vogelmann, Larry White, and Lauren Nauser.
Also Present: Arash Kamyab for the first 15 minutes
Absent (Excused): Mark Howard
Robert Slowko made a motion to accept the minutes. Sarah Kline seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Mariarosa Verde prepared the Treasurer’s report as follows:
Funds invested in Vanguard Treasury Money Mkt at 1.6%.
As of end of March, Assets; $352,000
$45,000 loss as March.
Motion to accept the treasures report; Diane Vazza, Sarah Kline seconded. All were in favor.
Brian Toth proposed five new members:
First Last Type Current Employer
Baylor Lancaster-Samuel Regular CV Advisors
Meron Amar Associate Manor Haven Capital
Chad Brown Regular TD Ameritrade
Todd Shipman Academic Boston University
Michael Scerbo Regular Principal Credit Advisors, LLC
As of 4/22/18 As of 2/20/18 As of 1/4/18 As of 11/12/17 As of 9/15/17 As of 6/8/17
Regular Members 195 196 191 185 180 184
Academic Members 4 3 3 4 4 4
Associate Members 35 37 38 36 33 37
Student Members 21 21 25 25 24 24
Lifetime Members 40 40 40 40 39 39
Complimentary Members 8 8 8 8 8 8
Corporate Sustaining Members 41 42 43 42 43 40
Total Members 344 347 348 340 331 336
Brian Toth moved that these members be accepted. All were in favor.
Arash Kamyab; Video Production
To be used on social media and at seminars.
Shorten up introduction and how to join FIASI section.
Production company unwilling to make some of the desired changes.
Arash to follow up with the production company.
Project to be completed by the end of the month.
Upcoming Events: Ralph DeCesare
Fitch event, 20 registrants
Blackrock meeting June 27th—Aladdin Presentation
It was discussed if we should host our annual meeting during this event or if we should hold the annual meeting at a different time.
It was agreed that we would take this discussion off line.
2 auditorium rooms which can accommodate over 100 people.
Soft drinks are something that Blackrock will provide.
Room is reserved from 5:30 to 10:00.
Allen Blinder, author of “Advice & Dissent: Why America Suffers when Economics and Politics Collide” to speak. His handlers wants us to guarantee a certain number of book sales. It was suggested that we offer to buy say 40 books and give them to everyone who joins at the meeting. Continued discussions will take place off line.
Bylaw Changes: Henry Shilling
Catalyst for changes through observations that procedures and practices were not being closely followed by FIASI, or were out dated. Proposed changes around Governance, Practices, & Procedures.
Attempt to align bylaws with actual practices being employed.
The bylaws contain broader issues that need to be given more thought and consideration. Bylaws are a living document that may need periodic review and revision. Consider creation of a sub group or committee to oversee this periodic refreshment. Bylaws should be property aligned with New York State statutes governing not for profits.
May be prudent to employ someone who has familiarity with dealing with these complex issues.
Proposed bylaw changes and hiring of a consultant approved by unanimous vote.
Hall of Fame, June 14: Larry White
Currently nine tables sold.
Possible additional sales; JPMorgan, Moody’s.
Having no further business the meeting was adjourned.