Virtual Annual Meeting

Tuesday, June 30, 2020 – 6:00 – 7:00 PM


Presiding: Larry White

Staff Present: Lauren Nauser

Call to Order
Larry White convened the meeting at 6:00 PM on the Webinar and welcomed everyone.

Monica Aggarwal made the motion and Mariarosa Verde seconded the motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the June 13, 2019 annual meeting and the minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Mariarosa Verde presented the treasurers report stating that FIASI now has assets invested in US Treasuries and Short Term Investment grade funds in the amount of $500k. Because of the pandemic our costs were lower so our loss during the last fiscal year was not as bad as it’s been previously. FIASI has never been in a better financial state. Monica Aggarwal made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and Brian Toth seconded the motion, all were in favor.

Election of Directors
Lauren Nauser read aloud the Slate of Officers & Directors for the 2020-2021 fiscal year and made a motion to that we accept the slate as proposed. Monica Aggarwal, as Vice-President voted for all signed proxies (26) and 18 members present and the Board of Directors was unanimously elected.

Larry White addressed those in attendance thanking them and asking for their support during the upcoming year. In the previous year we added two new board member, Erin Lyons and Gregg Lemos-Stein. We’ve also added two Corporate Sustaining members to society, they are Bloomberg and CreditSights. Mark Hochberg has stepped off the board effective this meeting.

Henry Shilling shared some of the initiatives that the board has been working on. Specifically speaking about the Strategic Planning review and the hiring of NESC. The goals of which are to; 1st to ensure the longevity relevance and financial stability of the Society, 2nd to establish a road map for future leaders, 3rd to explore the development and diversification of our financial resources including the opportunity to establish an endowment, 4th to assess the evolving needs of our future members as technology, product innovation and other factors influence investment trends and career opportunities. The subcommittee was formed to help working through this process. We expect the full process will be completed by the fall or at the latest by the end of the year.

Larry White thanked Ralph DeCesare for his programing and events coordination.

Monica Aggarwal spoke about the 2020 Hall of Fame, which would have marked our 25th year of hosting the event. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic it has been postponed and we hope to reschedule in the spring of 2021 should we be able to come together again.
There being no further comments, the meeting was adjourned.