Keith Kockenmeister is a Senior Managing Director in the CMBS Group at Kroll Bond Rating Agency (KBRA), where he brings over 33 years of commercial real estate (CRE) experience. Keith is the Co-Head of new issuance and surveillance and his team is responsible for CRE property cash flow and valuation analysis for both newly rated transactions as well as the ongoing monitoring of previously rated deals.
Prior to joining KBRA, Keith served as a director in several companies, including on the Large Loan CMBS team at Deutsche Bank, in GE Real Estates Capital Markets Group, and at Standard & Poors (now S&P Global Ratings) in the CMBS Group. In addition, Keith was a vice president in Natwest USAs Credit Policy Group and has held the Appraisal Institutes MAI designation since 1992.
Keith earned a B.A. in geography from the University of Connecticut and an M.S. in real estate finance from the New York University Schack Institute of Real Estate.