Bruce Clark

Bruce Clark

Bruce Clark, a Senior Vice President on the Transportation and Capital Goods team, has been with Moody’s for 33 years. For the past 15 years he has been Moody’s lead analyst for the global automotive and heavy equipment, and automobile rental sectors. Prior to this, he spent seven years as the lead analyst for the tobacco, food and beverage portfolio. During his career with Moody’s, Bruce has also had analytic responsibility for the media, telecommunications, and gas transmission and distribution Industries. In addition, he spent three years in London helping to introduce Moody’s rating processes to the European markets.

Before joining Moody’s, Bruce spent five years as a leading officer and credit analyst with Bankers Trust Company. He received a BA in administrative science from Yale University in 1978.

Event Name:Automotive Credit Quality

Event Date:2021-06-15

Disclaimer: The biographical information is as of the date of posting.