Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 3, 2024
PRESENT: Monica Aggarwal, Jessica Broughton, Joyce Chang, Mark Howard, Gregg Lemos-Stein, Erin Lyons, Pawel Mosakowski, Robert Slowko, Diane Vazza, Mariarosa Verde, Lauren Nauser
EXCUSED: Ralph DeCesare Henry Shilling
Acceptance of Minutes from 11/13/23
Lauren Nauser asked for motion to waive the reading of the minutes from the previous board meeting.
A motion was made by Jessica Broughton, and Mariarosa Verde provided the second to accept and approve the minutes as written.
Welcome Remarks (Erin Lyons)
Outlined topic discussions for the meeting, including:
Upcoming events
Technology update/website
2024 HOF
Status of 501c3 discussion
Technology Update/Status of New Website (Erin Lyons / Lauren Nauser):
Functionality of new site is not complete. We have the reskinned version, but we are pushing Aspire to improve the back end and we expect to have a “near final” version by the end of January 2024. Delays in launch will not cost FIASI additional fees.
Needs for the website are complicated and must encompass public and member information, sell tickets and accept payments for events, and tie back to users
New site likely to launch by end of February once the kinks have been worked out and we are past several key early events
Lauren and her assistant are working to clean up the current database for use with new site
New logo fonts and colors were shared with the board; flagship event logos will go underneath the FIASI logo (i.e., HOF, WIFI, ESG)
Will ask Aspire to put together FIASI and event portions of logo together so that board can see look of final product
WIFI Update (Joyce Chang)
Program 95% set. Waiting on confirmation of one speaker. Have back-ups if needed.
Event is posted on website. Next step is to go out with marketing. Awaiting feedback from Fed on wording and clearance from their communications department.
Fed has been very accommodating and helpful with the event.
Recommend for future years working with Fed on WIFI if they are willing to do so. FIASI can host a 2nd event that could be available for sponsorships. Currently considering a September event with Mary Daly.
Joyce will send questions to Erin and Jessica to use for opening/closing remarks when they are ready.
Should maximum numbers (room holds 300) get close will put on a wait list and release as people drop out.
Other Upcoming Events (Mark Howard)
Dan Fuss & Chris Gootkind Event on February 15, 2024 @ Ivy Room in the Cornell Club
Event will cost approximately $8K
Pricing for members (both live and virtual) FREE
Pricing for non-members: Live $60, Virtual $30
Bloomberg Intelligence Virtual Event on March 7, 2024
Mary Daly Event-potentially in September 2024
ESG event with Fordham scheduled for May 1, 2024
ESG Climate Week event scheduled September 23, 2024
2024 Hall of Fame Update (Jessica Broughton)
Had first meeting and went through refined list; whittled down and added a few additional names.
Will meet next at the end of January to narrow down to 3-4 finalists
Full list of names was shared in the board packet
Looking to come up with a diversified group if possible, and include nominees who can provide support for the event (i.e. table sales)
Treasurer’s Report (Lauren Nauser on behalf of Pawel Mosakowski)
Review of the P&L statement
Total income down about $42K vs. YAG primarily related to timing of outstanding Corporate
Sustaining Membership invoices; once paid statement will be positive
Tax return has been prepared and will be filed shortly as there was no board feedback
Scholarship fund currently only related to ESG competition which is funded by FIASI and
Fordham. Fordham allows money to be applied to the cost of the ESG event
Mark Howard made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report; Pawel Mosakowski 2nd; Accepted as presented
Approval of New Members
Six new members joined, as of today membership is 328
Gregg Lemos-Stein made a motion to accept the new members; Pawel Mosakowski 2nd; accepted as presented
501 C 3 Discussion (Mark Howard)
Work group has been set up to provide recommendations
Members include Winnie Cesar, Baylor Lancaster Samuel, Lee Chang, and David Munves
Erin Lyons asked to be included in the group
One time cost to set up 501c3 will be $5-$6K; Annual cost then with be $$1-$1.5K
Expect 1st meeting to be held in January
Potential shift is the outgrowth of sponsors having issues with our tax status and the complications regarding philanthropic review.
Many corporations / banks can no longer categorize buying tables as a marketing expense—received a lot of push back this year for corporations buying tables
As a run up to the 50th Anniversary of FIASI potential interest by some to leave bequests in wills or charitable support/scholarships. Endowment funds adds a new dimension
If become 501c3 will need to disburse funds
Ongoing Committee Meetings:
Several groups are meeting on a regular basis, including:
Membership, WIFI, ESG, HOF and Website Development
Mariarosa and Pawel Mosakowski offered to be added to the Programming Committee
Membership has been enlisted to help out ESG in reaching out to potential sponsors
History of FIASI (Mark Howard):
Al Mazzorana is working on a paper regarding the history/founding of FIASI with the Museum of Finance. Marty Frisdon is helping out. They are looking for pictures of Russ Frazier of Fitch
Asked Monica if she could find any photos in the Fitch archive
Should be published by end of February; will ask Al to do a video segment sometime in the spring
Having no further business items, the meeting was adjourned