2001 Hall of Fame
Induction of Eunice Reich-Berman
Close friend and colleague Richard Wilson.
Mr. Wilson’s introductory remarks follows.
It is a great honor for me to be here tonight to pay tribute to my late friend and colleague EUNICE REICH-BERMAN. I am pleased to see her many friends and associates gathered together once again but under more happy circumstances than the last time.
We are here to recognize Eunice’s achievements in advancing the roll of the fixed income analyst and the prestige of our society in the investment world.


Induction of Edward I. Altman
Close friend and colleague Martin S. Fridson.
Mr. Fridson’s introductory remarks follows.
Honored guests, fellow analysts, ladies and gentlemen. Speaking on behalf of Ed Altman is a humbling experience, because it has compelled me to examine his extremely lengthy catalogue of achievements. Surely, there are not enough days in the calendar to accommodate so many productive activities. The inevitable reaction must be, “How have I been frittering away MY time?”
Ed is the Max L. Heine Professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business. He also directs fixed income and credit research at the school’s Salomon Center, where he is vice-chairman. Before taking on that role in 1990, he chaired the Stern School’s MBA program for twelve years. In addition, he serves as Executive Editor of the Journal of Banking and Finance, Advisory Editor of the John Wiley Frontiers in Finance Series, advisor to the Centrale dei Bilanci in Italy, as well as to several countries’ central banks and has recently been elected President of the Financial Management Association. This is not to mention his other volunteer activities, which include the chairmanship of the InterSchool Orchestras of New York and service as a trustee of the Museum of American Financial History.